Old man and the 2B 2B 2b too Iyay

Its finally here.   Graf/Lit is opening tonight.  So here with this blog i’m sharing with you all a highly personal moment in my life.

This comic strip is actually something that happened to me – its a real life TRUE event.  The only reason this came about was to explain what had happened to my kids – and was done as a bit of art therapy, also being a gentle artistic nudge as I hadn’t drawn a comic in while.

The described event (including the initial drawing) all happened over seven years ago and its inclusion at this exhibition hopefully means I can finally lay all the demons to rest and get some closure.  If you want to see more or other artwork I have done head over to my Facebook page and follow Tom Kyffin ART for updates and further postings.

Go see the show – marvel at the various contributions – check the flyer for where and when. If your feeling rich buy the book (its a very limited edition, there are very few!) and most of all enjoy!


Tom K

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